When you’re shopping in-store or online at Holiday Wine Cellar, and you place Coole Swan Irish Cream Liqueur in your checkout basket, you may feel the need to ask yourself the question, “why has my favorite Irish Cream Liqueur gone up in price recently?” – keep reading, we have a detailed answer for you! Short Answer: There’s a New Tariff in town, and it’s on ALL Irish Cream Liqueur.

Coole Swan Irish Cream Liqueur has a new tariff, but the Good News is Coole Swan is still the best tasting Irish Cream Liqueur ever.
Coole Swan Irish Cream Liqueur is the quintessential companion for every and celebration [ANY SEASON]. The party really starts when Coole Swan hits the chiller!

In October of 2019, the US government placed a 25% tariff on Irish Cream Liqueurs. The USA has never before placed a tax on Irish Cream Liqueur. The tariff is in essence a tax on goods just like sales tax. Now you know why the price of Coole Swan Irish Cream Liqueur has increased in 2020.

The good news is that Coole Swan Irish Cream Liqueur, while it might be higher in price, it is still unparalleled in quality. Coole Swan Superior Irish Cream Liqueur is made in Ireland and only in Ireland – tariff or no tariff.

The other good news is that Holiday Wine Cellar will always do their part to support the good people over at Coole Swan Superior Irish Cream Liqueur and sell their delicious libation – tariff or no tariff!

Check This Tasty Coole Swan Recipe Out For Size – You Can Thank Us Later!

Coole Swan Irish Cream Liqueur Lime & Cherry Daiquiri Recipe
Coole Swan Superior Irish Cream Liqueur Lime & Cherry Daiquiri

Have you made your own Coole Swan Superior Irish Cream Liqueur cocktails? What did you make for yourself to enjoy? Share your magic with us and the world wide web – we would love to see what others have concocted and enjoyed when sipping the delicious Coole Swan Superior Irish Cream Liqueur!

Stay happy, healthy, & safe – cheers with your Coole Swan Irish Cream Liqueur!